
Gain hands-on experience to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam with the CompTIA IT Fundamentals FC0-U61 course and lab. The lab provides a hands-on learning experience in a safe and online environment. The CompTIA ITF+ study guide completely covers the FC0-U61 exam objectives and includes topics such as IT concepts and terminology; infrastructure, applications, and software; software development, database fundamentals, security, and more closely with subject matter experts (SMEs) to achieve performance goals.

CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification is ideal for individuals and students looking for a career in IT as well as those in allied fields that require a broad understanding of IT. The certification is a stepping stone to more advanced certifications. The CompTIA ITF+ FC0-U61 exam validates the skills a candidate needs to have as a systems support specialist and leads you to a successful IT


• Students should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
• Students who complete this program will be eligible to sit for:
CompTIA ITF+ FC0-U61 exam



+ Are these courses associated with an accredited school?
These courses are offered by Texas A&M University Texarkana, in partnership with Job Training Courses (JTC). Texas A&M University-Texarkana is a regionally accredited institution and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

+ Are there available financial aids (FAFSA, Pell Grant, etc)?
We currently do not have support for federal or state grants. However, we offer zero interest payment plans for up to 12 months. Students can take advantage of these payment plans without worrying about credit check.

+ Can I verify if this is legitimate?
Yes. You may contact Texas A&M University - Texarkana directly. Please see the contact information below:

Shelley Caraway
Executive Director, TAMUT EECD
+1 903 334 6683

+ I'm located at a different state. Can I take this program?
Yes. These programs are designed to be portable and accessible wherever you are in the country. Please note however that it is important for you to check state requirements to ensure that the program will be accepted in the state you will be employed in.

+ I'm located outside of the US. Can I take this program?
Yes. These programs are designed to be portable and accessible wherever you are. However, please note that certain programs are only designed to be taken for employment within the United States. An example of this are the Healthcare programs.

+ If I cannot complete the program within the prescribed duration, what are my options?
We offer program extensions for a certain period at no extra cost. Please message us here to speak with one of our advisors.

Have more questions? Contact us here

Enrollment Options

This program is currently not available in any of our university partners or in the chosen state.

Instructor-Facilitated Options*

Video Lesson Presentations


National Certification Opportunity *

Textbooks & Supplemental Materials

Mentor Support

Certificate of Completion